Reasons to see an Osteopath when you're pregnant


Osteopaths can provide valuable support and care to pregnant women throughout their pregnancy journey. Here we discuss just some of the ways in which osteopaths can help during pregnancy:

  1. Pain management

    Osteopaths can assist in managing pregnancy-related discomfort and pain, such as back pain, pelvic pain, sciatica, and joint discomfort. They use manual techniques to relieve muscle tension, improve joint mobility, and reduce pain.

  2. Postural assessment and balance

    Pregnancy often alters a woman's posture due to the changing center of gravity and the body's adaptations to accommodate the growing baby. Osteopaths can assess postural changes and provide appropriate guidance and exercises to support these changes in posture and minimize strain on the body.

  3. Preparation for labor and childbirth

    Osteopaths can help prepare the body for labor and childbirth by ensuring optimal pelvic alignment and mobility. This can aid in the baby's positioning for birth and potentially facilitate a smoother delivery.

  4. Pelvic floor support

    Osteopaths can offer exercises and techniques to strengthen and maintain the health of the pelvic floor muscles. Strengthening these muscles is essential for supporting the growing uterus, improving bladder control, and aiding in postpartum recovery.

  5. Relaxation and stress reduction

    Pregnancy can bring about physical and emotional stress. Osteopaths take a holistic approach to healthcare and focus on supporting the body's natural healing mechanisms. Our Osteos can also provide advice on exercise and lifestyle modifications that promote overall comfort and wellness during pregnancy.

  6. Digestive support

    Osteopaths can address common digestive issues during pregnancy, such as heartburn, constipation, and bloating. Osteo techniques may help to improve digestion and alleviate discomfort. We focus on the nerves that supply these areas and also the very important diaphragm muscle (which might also help that nasty rib pain!)

  7. Overall wellness and health promotion

    Osteopaths take a holistic approach to healthcare and focus on supporting the body's natural healing mechanisms. They can provide advice on exercise and lifestyle modifications that promote overall comfort and wellness during pregnancy.

It's important to note that every pregnancy is unique, and the specific treatments and techniques used by an osteopath will vary based on individual needs and circumstances. Our Osteopaths are qualified and experienced in prenatal care and will take a comprehensive history to be able to tailor the most appropriate treatment plan for you.

Brunswick Osteo Team