Osteopathy for Babies


Why do babies see an Osteopath?

Babies cannot communicate how they feel in words, so it is up to the skilled Paediatric Osteopath to observe, to feel and to ask the parents questions to piece together the baby’s story. We ask about the pregnancy, the birth, and how the baby is currently managing through their life – things like eating, feeding and digestion.

A baby will often present to an Osteopath for ‘baby problems’ like feeding issues, colic and postural asymmetry to name a few.

You might see this as difficulty breastfeeding from one of both sides, irritability when lying on their back or in a car seat, preference to lay with their head to one side, difficulty settling and sleeping.

Just like adults, some babies can have tension and soreness in the back and neck. This may be due to position in utero or a traumatic birth. It also could have developed over the first few weeks or months of life. However, unlike adults, the Osteopath treats a baby very gently with no forceful techniques or adjustments (sometimes called ‘cracking’).

Osteopathy aims to alleviate any tension in the baby’s body and focus on symmetry so that the baby can grow without restriction and to it’s utmost potential.

Again, it’s a very gentle form of treatment, and often comes with some take-home advice or exercises.


What we often see in babies:

  • Birth trauma

  • Feeding difficulties

  • Torticollis and neck stiffness

  • Plagiocephaly or “flat head” syndrome

  • Pre and post tongue tie body work

  • Reflux and colic

  • Other musculoskeletal imbalances

We love working alongside midwives, lactation consultants, dentists and doctors to get the best results for your baby.

Please feel free to contact the clinic if you have any specific questions, we’d love to help you and your baby.

Dr Elizabeth Dwyer has undergone further training in paediatrics and regularly treats babies at our clinic.